On-the-Run Winter Breakfasts

The mornings are getting a lot colder as winter approaches! Getting out of bed starts getting harder and the snooze button on the alarm clock is getting more of a workout than usual. Looking forward to a healthy, warm and fuzzy breakfast may just be the motivation to bounce out of bed!

Action, Action, ACTION!

I am all about ACTION at the moment. Not sitting around waiting, not sitting around thinking about the possibilities of what I could do, or what would happen if I did that… I am saying YES more and just getting on with things, not procrastinating or saying I will do it later or tomorrow or next week, but giving it a go now and seeing what happens next…

Comfort In Discomfort

The human body is made for movement. We are capable of amazing physical feats. Yet, our perceived limitations and social dogma continually prevent us from tapping into our true potential…

Does Intermittent Fasting Work?

Intermittent fasting has become a trendy means of losing weight, some also associating it with several health benefits including lowering the risk of chronic disease…